Over the weekend I had a chance to play in the RTTY contest and this time I was using my Winkeyer USB for RTTY FSK and N1MM Logger+ with my Icom 7610. Enabling Software generated FSK. In order to use Software generated FSK, you must start WriteLog and choose a RTTY contest module. If the Rttyrite window did not open when you first started WriteLog, you must open it from WriteLog’s Window menu. When the Rttyrite window opens, go to the Ports menu and select the COM port number assigned to the USB device. Mac; android apk; linux. / voice / jt65 / dominof df / dominoex / thor / mt63 / rtty 45 / 75 / rtty 50+synop+ship / ascii / amtor fec / packet fsk 110-300-1200 + aprs+ digisstv 'run' / packet. With your radio in the FSK or RTTY position: Take the FSK input lead and ground lead and keep them open. Key the transmitter manually and listen to the frequency of the tone being transmitted. It will be either a mark 2125 or a space 2295 hz. Now directly short the FSK input to the radio to ground with the transmitter still keyed and you should.
PSK31 Software
DigiPan stands for 'Digital Panoramic Tuning” and brings the ease and simplicity of PANORAMIC reception and transmission to PSK31 and PSK63 operation. (digipan.net)
DigiPan is an easy to use PSK31/PSK63 computer software application. Initially released in 2000, DigiPan was one of the earliest (or perhaps the first) PSK31 software to feature the now-standard panoramic waterfall display for tuning. DigiPan sports all the features that are necessary for PSK31 operation and none of those that aren’t. DigiPan remains one of the most popular PSK apps despite not having been updated since 2004.
Afsk Vs Fsk
Platform: Windows 95 or greater
Price: Freeware
Download Here
Comments from subscribers – DigiPan’s strengths lie in its simplicity, as it embodies the QRP spirit. It does, however, lack customization features (for the waterfall colors, skins, etc.)
Thanks to Grant, VK4JAZ, for his much-appreciated feedback.
Platform: Windows 95 or greater
Price: Freeware
Download Here
Thanks to Dave, W8RIT, for his suggestion.
Fsk Rtty Software For Mac 10
From Paul (in the comments):
Fldigi is FREE, and is a 'Digital modem program for Linux, Free-BSD, OS X, Windows XP, NT, W2K, Vista and Win7'. It does BPSK31, as well as a long list of other modes, and even works for the many of us who have move over to using a Mac! I would really suggest giving it a try: